Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Recap

So I finally got our video complete. We spent so much time trying to fix the Colt E or keep her running that I didn't get as much video as I'd have liked. We did get in car footage, but it was from when the car was running poorly, so I chose not to include that in the video. Here you go....

Lab Rats at Lemons South Spring 2009 from Michael Chisek on Vimeo.

So what did we learn from our 1st running of the 24 Hours of Lemons?
1. You can't be competitive if you're not on the track.
2. Pre race testing is mandatory.
3. Pulling a car out of the woods to be a race car is not a good idea.
4. Fuel filters prevent dirt from getting in your engine. Dirty fuel filters prevent fuel from getting to your engine.
5. 68 HP is fine for a tractor, not for a race car.
6. The Dodge Colt E is the perfect chassis for a race car.
7. Lemons racing is highly addictive.

Despite all the car trouble, we still had a blast. It wasn't the next day and we were all talking about the fall race! We definitely plan on entering the race this fall and we're entering the Colt E again. The only changes we plan on making to the car are:
1. New fuel tank or fuel cell (the current one has a never ending supply of junk in it).
2. Better brakes (the cheap ones we used were smoked in 2 hours).
3. See if we can locate a better carburetor.

How can we be keeping the 68 HP anti-engine you ask?! Our research and limited experience tells us that the 1.5L block is indestructible. Why change it? The car handles great and if we focus on keeping it running, I think we can be more competitive this time. Besides I'd love to beat a bunch of E30's with a 68 HP Colt!

So there you have it. I'll get back to this blog in the summer once we get the invite back to the fall race. Then you can follow us back to Kershaw in September! See ya!

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