Tatoo Looking Fox Racing Decal on DRZ~
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Mistubishi EX, MOD2
MOD 1 here.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Pre-Party
Well, we're packed and ready to go. The Colt E is about as ready as she'll ever be. We checked everything off our tech inspection sheet. Before Thursday I need to make sure the camera's and camcorder's have fresh batteries and plenty of tape. I also need to get some software on the laptop if I want to post videos to this blog from the track. We'll see about that one. You'll notice in the included photos that we have sold out and are now marketing all sorts of junk for the team. If you'd like a custom mug with our logo, just send me an email and I'll place you an order with Todd (great job on the mug Todd!) We have a few extra items that we will be selling from our pit at the track.
I leave you with a few specs on our beloved Colt E. Kind of puts into perspective (or not) what we are attempting to work with.

Make: Dodge (liars, it's a Mitsubishi)
Model: Colt E (again with the lying, try Mirage)
Year: 1988
Engine: 1.5L 4 cylinder fed by an 2 bbl "carburetor like device" (the '80's sucked)
HP: 68 @ 5600rpm (I kid you not folks - sixty eight)
Transmission: 4 speed manual with counterbalanced shift knob
Weight: approx 1500 lbs without driver
0-60mph: 4.3 tries
Unique features: manual steering (yes that does exist), optional high idle package, aftermarket piston return springs (yes, I'm kidding)
Cost: I'm not quite sure, but I'm pretty sure I could have sent my wife on a weekend shopping spree and it would have cost me less.
See you at the track!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Duration, for a full car like this will take at least a week of hard work.
Pros: You do not need to wax polish ever again! Save $$!!! You can hide somewhere dark and hanky panky with your girl without ever get notice!! (unless you you both make alot of sounds...) You dun like, can tear it off anytime you want amd keep your paint intact and keeping corrosion from the heat and rain off!!!! Save $$ AGAIN!
Cons: It cost almost as much as spray paint, but sprayed ones have a tendency to be scrapped off by mini stone and sand leaving white spots on your car, sticked will protect small stones, of course it will tear too if impact too big, too sharp, but so far my car dun have those small spots, only mini tears from stones on the side. It'll have joints, meaning sticker will overlap sticker, you'll see a line yes, but only when looked closely, at night, it's looks perfect. Might have some crumples some difficult area, we wun garentee perfect worksmanship, but be have the best ppl in the industry tt will minimise the inperfection.
Interested parties can visit our shop, you'll know what we are talking about when you see the real thing!! Address is on the right of your screen. :)
Plate numbers lights up when you turn on your headlights! When off, it's just a normal number plate.
Member of altisgrp.com